Top 3 Side Effects of Prednisone for Patient with Rheumatic Heart Disease

Top 3 Side Effects of Prednisone for Patient with Rheumatic Heart Disease

Hi, there! It has been 2 months since my son was diagnosed with Rheumatic Heart Disease. It was not an easy journey for us and there are times when I am getting paranoid even on simple things. There are sleepless nights where I just look at him. I started feeling chest pain and there was always a battle on mind pulling me down. I am thankful that God doesn’t allow me to be tricked anymore on what the enemy is doing. Yes, fear and worries will really hit when you personally encounter the side effects of prednisone. Prednisone is a steroid used to treat the inflammation of his heart.


1. Gain Weight

His food intake is a lot.  On top of the regular meals, he can eat between 10 to 15 biscuits per day.  His gain weight causes it transformed into a moon face.

2.  Acne

It started with a small red pimple at the back, then it goes in his front part of the body and then to his face.

3.  Stretch Marks

Once the gain weight is going back to its average weight, it creates stretch marks on his body.