What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
This a term used to describe a combination of diseases .The diseases comprise of chronic lung diseases such as chronic emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The diseases are characterized by limiting the amount of air flowing into the lungs. Due to this the diseases are manifested in symptoms such as breathlessness, production of sputum and chronic coughs. These diseases are dangerous and can lead to death.
What are the causes of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
There are many causes among them are the following causes:-
Smoking tobacco
This is the major cause .Smoking leads to damaging of the lining of the airways by making the airways become inflamed. The inflammation in the airway lining leads to obstructing the air flowing to the lungs hence causing the complication.
Air pollution
In case the air is polluted by pollutants from industries or any other heavy particles the particles can enter the airways of individuals and lead to the chronic complication. Inhaling of chemical fumes is the biggest contributor under the category of pollutants .This is because the chemicals tend to react with the airway lining making it narrow in size.
In some individuals the condition can develop due to genetic factors such as lack of some protein in their body that initiate complications of the organs such as lung which end up developing the condition.
What are the treatments of (COPD)
Quitting smoking
This will expose the airways to less obstruction that is caused by the smoke from tobacco hence treating the condition. Quitting can be the best solution if the condition is in early stages and smoking happens to be the cause.
Using short -acting bronchodilator inhalers
These are inhalers with bronchodilator medicine that helps in dilating the bronchus hence relieving the condition .Examples of these inhalers include; beta-agonist inhalers such as salbutamol and antimuscarinic inhalers like ipratropium.
Using long-acting bronchodilator inhalers
They help in making the bronchus to dilate incase it was affected but last for up to 12 hours unlike the short acting bronchodilator inhalers .They include inhalers such as ;beta-agonist inhaler for example formoterol and antimuscarinic inhalers such as tiotropium.
Using steroid inhalers
Steroids help in reducing inflammation in severe cases .These inhalers are mostly used in combination with other inhalers such as long -acting beta-agonist inhaler .Steroids may not have direct impact on the symptoms but they help a lot in preventing flare-ups that are commonly experienced with individuals with this condition.
Using bronchodilator tablets. Tablets such as theophylline are used to relieve the condition after they enter the blood stream.
Using mucolytic medicine
Medicines such as carbocisteine ,erdosteine and mecysteine helps in making the sputum produced during this complication less thick hence helping in relieving the condition.They also prevent the effect of bacteria on the sputum which may end up increasing the infection. For mucolytic medicine to be effective individuals using it must take it on a regular basis .It can be taken two to three times per day for it to be more effective.