Not the Usual Asthma: The Cough Variant Asthma (CVA)
Through the years, or has been noticed that there is an increase in the number of children as well as adults having asthma. Some of them get to diagnose the condition at an early stage while the others get to know it at the later part. Regardless of the diagnosis stage, asthma is one of the top chronic diseases nowadays, and with that, it only deserves a second look as to its causes and treatments. Asthma is usually manifested through wheezing, cough, and difficulty in breathing. But at times, certain types of asthma do not have all these symptoms. One of which is the Cough Variant Asthma (CVA).
The Cough Variant Asthma does not have usual asthma feelings and is only manifested through one symptom, coughing. This cough do not have any other causes nor underlying conditions, making it a part of an asthma attack. It usually lasts for six to eight weeks whereas the individual will suffer from a dry cough. CVA may not be as serious as the other symptoms; it is still necessary to take precautions since it still can cause inflammation in the airways. In fact, if the CVA became more severe and left untreated, there is a high probability that it will lead to a more serious type of Asthma.
But what causes CVA? No definite answer for this. Though experts would suggest that since its primary symptom is coughing, then it is of great chance that exposure to allergens might be one of the causes. Other perceived causes are respiratory system infection and intake of beta-blockers, a drug being used to treat specific health conditions such as heart disease; heart failure; migraines; hypertension; and abnormal heart rhythms.
What are the treatments available?
- Inhaled Corticosteroids (inhalers): The functions of these inhalers are to stop one from coughing, prevent the wheeze, and reduces the obstruction of the airways.
- Oral Medications: One would have to take a prescribed oral pill to relieve the asthma symptoms for 24 hours.
- Bronchodilators: A substance used as a muscle relaxant on the airway part.
- Nebulizers: A direct spray through a mouthpiece is making the lungs easily absorb the given medications.
Tips for Managing Asthma:
- Take your medications consistently and seriously.
If you were instructed by the Doctor to take medications or other forms of medication, make sure to be serious about it. Follow the schedule as well as the correct dosage. This will spare you from further asthma complications.
- Avoid Allergens
Allergens are the top reason why asthma attack happens. Make sure that if you get to visit a dusty place or an old place, always bring your mask with you or the covering of the nose and mouth will do if a mask is not available.
- Changes in your lifestyle
Make use of humidifiers as part of your home essentials. This will spare you from another asthma attack because it soothes and purifies the air in your area.
- No to Smoking
Smoking is the number one cause of lung-related diseases. Sorting to this kind of vice will not help you at all, but it will instead make your asthma condition worst.
- Regular Exercise
Make your body healthy through proper exercise.