Wondering what is tested on a 10 panel drug screen test? A urine drug test is a test that analyzes a carefully collected urine sample for the presence of one or more illegal or prescription drugs.

Other approaches can be used to screen these substances from a person’s biological sample. A laboratory can, for example, administer a drug screening through blood tests and analyzing hair or nail clippings. However, urine test kits are still the most common method.

Aside from being widely available and simple to use, collecting a urine sample for the test is painless. The cost is also considerably cheaper when compared to other available methods. Moreover, the test results are ready in only a few minutes.

10-panel Drug Screen Test

There are different types of urine test kits. In this article, we’ll be discussing one particular panel – the 10-panel drug screen test. 

This test can detect ten types of illegal or prescription drugs in a urine sample. Companies usually use 5-panel drug tests for employment drug tests. However, some employers may require a 10-panel drug screen test for jobs that involve the safety of other people. Medical professionals and law enforcement officers, for example. 

Each country has different laws regarding employment drug tests. We suggest you check your country’s legislation regarding drug tests before requiring someone to take the test.  

Substances That It Can Detect

A standard 10-panel drug screen test detects the five most commonly misused prescription drugs and five illegal substances. Before taking the test, inform the laboratory if you’re taking any prescription drugs. Below is the list of what it screens:

  • Cannabis (hashish, hashish oil, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids)
  • Amphetamines (amphetamine sulfate, methamphetamine, dexamphetamine)
  • Barbiturates (amobarbital, secobarbital, pentobarbital, tuinal, phenobarbital)
  • Benzodiazepines (lorazepam, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, alprazolam)
  • Opioids (opium, codeine, heroin, morphine)
  • Cocaine 
  • Phencyclidine
  • Methaqualone
  • Methadone
  • Propoxyphene

How It Works

After taking drugs, the human body processes it and releases byproducts called metabolites. These metabolites are discharged through urine and are then detected by the urine drug test.

The drugs remain in the body for a certain amount of time. Some drugs become undetectable after 2 days, while others can be detected for weeks. The dosage and an individual’s metabolism rate are also factors on how long will a drug be detectable in a urine sample. 

Most drug tests take place at a laboratory or clinic. The medical officer will provide a cup for the urine sample. Additional precautions may be taken to make sure that the sample is not contaminated or diluted.

Ovus Medical

Once a proper urine sample is provided, the medical officer will proceed with the evaluation of the result.

Drug Test Results

Most urine test kits provide results in just a few minutes. Results can either be positive, negative, or invalid. The examinee will be required to provide another urine sample if the test is invalid.

If the result is positive, the urine sample will be retested for verification through chromatography-mass spectrometry. The medical officer can also interview the examinee for possible reasons for the result. Proof of prescription may be required. 

A negative result won’t need retesting.